Friday, January 11, 2019

Top 3 Tips to summarize your Long Term Goals in Essay | Edmappers

Planning is difficult. Writing about it is daunting. Convincing someone about the clarity of your long term goals in an essay is equal to a nightmare. This is the case with many students applying for masters programs. Even the best among them flock to expert career advisors when it comes to communicating it in black and white. Here are three useful tips to summarize your long term goals in essay. 

Identify your long term goal

Do you have a long term goal? If the answer is yes, you have crossed the first hurdle. Many students find it difficult to identify a goal in the first place. They can’t see beyond a week. The simplest way to get over this problem is to actually write down everything you ever want to do in life. You will see that not all of them can be done overnight, in a month or a year. Anything that takes effort worth more than five years can be your long term goal. Congratulations! You have identified your long term goal.

How to summarize this in essay?

Clearly communicate your long term goal. Stick to simple words that can help the reader understand the intent of the goal. For instance, if your goal is to start an international clothing line, just say it.

Break down your long term goal

The next step is to understand your long term goal. Break it down to actionable items that you can keep achieving towards a successful closure of the goal. Some of them become your short term goals. For instance, if your long term goal is to start a business, one of the short term goals is to understand how cash flows work, how to get capital, how to seed a business idea etc.,

How to summarize this in essay?

Relate your short term goals in lieu with long term goal to the program you are applying to. This bit takes time and effort to understand a particular university’s curriculum, projects and professors. An expert career counselor for studies abroad can help you with in this regard.

Stick to honesty

It is important to be honest with your long term goals in the essay. There is no reason why you should resort to a hyped up version of an idea that you do not own up. If you don’t have a clearly chalked out long term goal, be honest in saying that you are in the process of understanding what it entails to achieve a long term goal in the direction of your interest.

How to summarize this in essay?

For instance, your long term goal is to work in the line of medical research to do with children. You can write - “long term goal is to associate with medical research for child care and are equipping yourself with skills that will help you with that goal”.

The essence of sharing goals in writing is to give a sense of purpose to your decision to invest time and effort in studying at a cost. As long as your essay conveys the purport of this decision, the essay will work for you.

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